PLEASE NOTE: Not every practitioner and vendor shown below will be available at every festival. We will post a list of actual participants at least two weeks prior the each event. 

List of practitioners and vendors for the 2025 festival. 

Bonnie Lee Gibson   Psychic Medium

Bonnie Lee has been communicating with Spirit; developing the gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and the ability to work as a medium for since a young age. She now enjoys bringing comfort to those in need by connecting people with their loved ones, ancestors, guiding angels, spirit guides and healers as well as connecting with past lives. 207-649-7089 [email protected] you have more to say and show? You can do it in this section. Add pictures and a short description to show visitors more of whatever it is you want.

Kristen Cappucci is a native of North of Boston, MA. She has been a Psychic Medium since birth and knew her Intuitive gifts at a young age. Her empathic abilities with her remote senses can pick up on past, present, and future events.
She specializes in one on one personal readings, phone, and email on topics from love to career and beyond! She also does Spirit Galleries that connect a room of people to loved ones on the other side. Also she uses her gifts in the Paranormal Field doing in home investigations, identification of hauntings, to remote viewing from afar. She has appeared on TV and Radio in the United States and abroad. She has studied and taken teachings in many metaphysical topics that come natural to her. To name a few Astrology, Crystal Healing, Candle Magic, Essential Oils for Healing, Scrying, and Seance work. Her personsal background is Italian with Sicilian roots with a grandfather who was a seer like Edgar Cayce. Also a Russian, Portuguese and French side with many gifted relatives. She has studied many world religions and a love for cultures and people of all ages. She has done volunteer work with animals and also can communicate with animals on the other side from a small mouse to an iguana!! She is a mother of 2 children and 3 pet fancy rats!! Her work background is in the Travel Industry and a college intern in Disney World. Also many years in the medical field working with patients. Her future plans are to continue work with clients, work fairs and benefits, to Death transition work. Would like to be available to families in crossing over techniques and fears that exsist with the stigmas of Dying.

Kathryn Drage is an Animal Communicator, Medium and Energy Worker.

Kathryn has been communicating with animals and nature for as long as she can remember and publicly for over 20 years. She connects with animals present and past for various reasons  ...from health to behaviour and receiving loving messages from animals and humans that have crossed over. It is her passion to assist in bringing harmony and empowerment to both animals and their human companions. [email protected] 207-462-2360 facebook page Earth Talk

Ernie VanDenBossche Medium & Healer

Ernie works as a medium and healer. Spirit is his guide in so many ways. Spirit works with each of us every day of our lives. Prepare yourself to step forward on your pathway. Your friends and loved ones on the "other side" may help show you new directions, confirm what you question, and help with personal healing, physical and emotional. 

Phoenix Rising Star 
The Healing Angel Protocol™

As a healing practitioner of many modalities including Clinical Hypnotherapy and Reiki, being a former Trainer for Drunvalo Melchizedek’s Flower of Life and Living in the Heart, and a former Trainer for Integrated Energy Therapy®️, Phoenix Rising Star draws from her 25 plus years of experience and her connection to Source to give life to The Healing Angel Protocol™. Born from the desperation of her dying friend, Phoenix courageously channeled this energy therapy to help mend the body’s damage, inside and out and learned firsthand the power of activating and manifesting.

Since teaching The Healing Angel Protocol™ Phoenix has witnessed firsthand the personal and professional development changes her students have made. Whether they have self-healed chronic illnesses, tumors, or disease or started and/or expanded their healing businesses, the transformation in all students has been profound.     If you’re ready to heal and transform your personal and professional life and to live the life of your dreams, check out The Healing Angel Protocol™ at 

Linda McCracken    Medium, Artist

Linda McCracken is a multi-talented, versatile and creative artist, writer, researcher, publisher, medium, space clearer, spiritual healer and tarot reader whose company is called Spiritual Web Communications, LLC.

She uses the Shapeshifter deck which is a very beautifully illustrated shamanistic Tarot deck for doing spiritual readings. Her readings include past, present and future.

She also does spirit art of loved ones who have passed. This is a physical type of mediumship where she allows spirit to use her body to draw the illustrations which give the essence of those who have passed.

Deborah MacCallum Klane
~ Intuitive Medium       
Dragonfly Messages

In 1990, two months prior to her son Evan’s birth, Deborah had a premonition that proved true, setting her life on an unforgettable trajectory and life altering journey. For the next 32 years, Deborah’s intuitive gifts were often used while caring for Evan who was non-verbal, medically compromised, and had profound physical disabilities.

“I think of myself as a conduit between the spirit world and souls here on Earth, and I like to use my intuitive gifts and connection to spirit to bring comfort and a sense of clarity to others. I draw such strength, guidance, and comfort from my personal “spirit team” especially during difficult times, I would be honored to share my gift with others”.

Deborah provides intuitive readings using oracle cards and offers automatic writing sessions where she will connect with spirit and provide her client with the written result. She has trained with metaphysical teachers and mentors in both Massachusetts and in Maine where she currently resides.